
发布单位:伯明翰大学联合学院 发布时间:2023-12-14



本课程将通过研究竞争性环境中的决策过程讲述博弈论,进而讲述有限博弈理论,并着重强调 2 人博弈。本课程将以严谨的方式讲述所有博弈结果,且如可能,将附带讲述其在经济领域的应用。









Game Theory and Multi Criteria Decision Making 博弈论与多准则决策


This module presents game theory as the study of decision-making in competitive situations. It introduces the theory of finite games with a particular emphasis on 2person games. All results will be presented in a rigorous way and accompanied, wherever possible, by showing economic applications. This module also demonstrates that the results and concepts of other branches of mathematics (like the fixed point theorem, convexity, duality) have practical interpretation and use. The second part of this module aims to introduce the students to the philosophy and context of discrete and continuous simulation applied to manufacturing, management and organisational systems. It will address progressive model building, the dynamics of stochastic systems, verification, validation and experimentation.

By the end of this module, students should be able to:

 Understand and use the main concepts of game theory like optimal strategies, stable sets and the core of the game;

 Formulate games from economic narratives and use a range of methods for solving these games;

 Formulate extended mental models of manufacturing, management and organisational systems;

 Articulate such models in terms of entities, activities and events; build, validate and experiment with such models;

 interpret the dynamical behaviour of such models;

 Assess system performance and translate into recommendations for improvement.