
发布单位:伯明翰大学联合学院 发布时间:2023-12-14











考勤与课堂参与 (10%);作业与案例分析 (20%);期末考试 (70%)



1.主要教材: 斯蒂芬A.罗斯,伦道夫W.威斯特菲尔德,布拉德福德D.乔丹,公司理财(精要版)(第10版)。



Ø理查德A.布雷利, 斯图尔特C.迈尔斯,弗兰克林.艾伦,公司财务原理(第7版)。



Corporate finance

Credits: 3 credits

Pre-requisite: Microeconomics; Statistics; Introductory Accounting

Module Description:

Corporate finance is central to the operation of every business organization. This course explores the modern fundamental theoretical aspects of corporate finance. The end goal is to provide students with the tools necessary to conduct accurate financial analysis and understand financial decision-making. Detailed coverage of corporate finance issues is addressed in this course. Topics such as financial statements and analysis, time values of money, return and risk, cost of capital, value of the firm, derivative securities, efficient capital markets, capital structure and others are covered in the context of value maximization. Strong mathematical skills and extensive use of computer-based tools are required. Foundation courses are integrated throughout the course and students are assumed to have a working knowledge of introductory accounting, economics and statistics.


Learning Outcome and Objectives:

By the end of the module students should be able to: understand the fundamental concepts in financial management; use financial theory and its associated tools to analyze financial scenarios; make capital budgeting decisions based on theoretical principles; understand how investment and financing decisions impact the value of the firm; determine capital structures and other financial policies using CAPM and other tools; understand and apply risk, return, opportunity cost, and cost of capital concepts; identify the key principles of securities markets, futures & options and understand how each works; apply financial analysis concepts to mergers & acquisitions and international finance.



Attendance & Discussion (10%), Homework & Project (20%), Final Exam (70%)


Textbook and reference:

1.Textbook (main): Stephen Ross, Randolph Westerfield, Bradford Jordan, Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 10th edition.


ØStephen Ross, Randolph Westerfield, Jeffrey Jaffe, Corporate Finance, 10th edition.

ØRichard A. Brealey, Stewart C.Myers, Franklin Allen, Principles of Corporate Finance, 7th edition.