
发布单位:伯明翰大学联合学院 发布时间:2019-05-13

暨伯讲坛 第二十三讲




主讲嘉宾:伯明翰大学医学与牙科科学学部授课型研究生课程主管 Alex Conner博士



伯明翰大学医学与牙医科学学部拥有世界一流的研究生科研与教学项目,其中,生物信息学、健康经济学与计量经济学、健康研究方法是最受欢迎的新兴学科,与数学、统计学、计算机科学、经济学与生物医学交叉融合,对公共和民办医疗卫生服务具有重要意义。这些项目将为具备扎实的数学基础的暨伯学生提供更加广阔的深造之路,未来可以在健康经济学或公共卫生领域中发展。在本次讲座中,生物化学家Alex Conner博士将为同学们介绍伯明翰大学医学与牙医科学学部的核心研究项目,及其与数学、经济学、统计学、计算机科学的关联,启发大家对学习深造和职业规划的思考。





Alex Conner,分子生物学博士,伯明翰大学医学与牙医科学学部授课型研究生课程主管,英国皇家生物学会研究员、英国科学学会研究员。在研究型高等教育方面拥有超过18年的从业经历,具有丰富的生物医学教学经验,擅长非学术类技能和职业培训。Alex主要研究膜蛋白的机构与功能,发表过50余篇科研论文、书评及书刊篇章。




The 23rd J-BJI Talk

Time14th May 7pm—830pm  

VenueLibrary Lecture Hall in Panyu Campus  

TopicResearch and Application of Medical Science and Cross-link Disciplines 

SpeakerDr. Alex Conner




The College of Medical and Dental Sciences of the University of Birmingham provides a wide range of world class Post-Graduate Research and Teaching programmes in medical and health sciences. Among all, Bioinformatics, Health Economics and Econometrics, and Health Research Methods are three of the most popular emerging disciplines where mathematics, statistics, computer, economics and biomedicine are cross-link, which become more and more significant in public and private health care sector. These programmes could be one of the potential pathways for our students in Jinan University- University of Birmingham, who are equipped with solid mathematical foundation and hoping to pursue a career in health economics or public health.


In this talk, Dr Conner, with his reputation as a biochemist of brain proteins (aquaporins), will explain the main research themes of the College and the application of these programme in the industry. Nevertheless, how these may be favorable to our students’ progression planning.



Biography of Speaker:


Alex Conner has a degree and PhD in Molecular and Biological Sciences. He is the Director of Post-Graduate Taught Education for the College and has more than 18 years’ experience in research-intensive higher education. Alex is an educational leader and teacher for medicine and medical-related biosciences.


Alex is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, an elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology and was a Media Fellow for the British Science Association. Alex sits on a number of strategic committees in Higher Education including the National Biochemical Society’s committee for Education, Training and Public Engagement as well as the University of Birmingham HEFi Advisory Board and the public engagement committee.


Alex is experienced in teaching of science, training of non-academic skills and professional coaching and uses all of these methods to help students and staff develop and achieve their goals.


Alex’s research interests lie in the structure and function of large membrane proteins. Alex has more than 50 publications in scientific journals, reviews and book chapters.