Terry Shortall


Prof. Terry Shortall来自爱尔兰。他拥有班戈威尔士大学应用语言学硕士学位和英国伯明翰大学应用语言学博士学位。暨伯学院英语学习中心教师。




1992年 班戈威尔士大学应用语言学硕士

2007年 伯明翰大学应用语言学博士








20116-20127Cultura Inglesa英语教师






2017  ‘Seguindo Saussure: delineando a forma e a substancia da Langue e Parole’.  Em da Silva, J. P. (ed.)  A Herança de Ferdinand Saussure. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Autografia. [‘Following Saussure: describing the form and substance of Langue and Parole.’  In da Silva, J. P. (ed.)   Saussure’s Legacy ]  

2015  (Ed.) The Pearl of Zhuhai: English for Chinese learners.  Zhuhai: United International College.      

2014  (Ed.) Hands-on English.  Zhuhai: United International College.  

2011  ‘Students’ views on the advantages and disadvantages of Open Distance Learning  versus traditional On-Campus Learning.’ The journal of the National College of Nursing, Japan. Tokyo. ISSN 1347-3611. 

2009  Pedagogic Grammar.  (2nd Ed.) Birmingham: University of Birmingham.  ISBN: 1 901523 055 [Google Scholar: 20 citations] 

2008  ‘Prototypes and Categories: projecting a syllabus for L2 Japanese.’ Journal of The British Association for Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language.  BATJ: London.  ISSN: 1477-4704.  

2007  (with G. Gilquin) Reconciling corpus data and elicitation data in FLT. In Proceedings of the Fourth Corpus Linguistics Conference, University of Birmingham , 27-30 July 2007. http://ucrel.lancs.ac.uk/publications/CL2007/ [Google Scholar: 2 citations] 

2007  ‘The L2 Syllabus: Corpus or Contrivance?’ Corpora, 2 (2): 157-185. Edinburgh University Press. ISSN 1749-5032 [Google Scholar: 11 citations]  

2005  (with David Evans) ‘Demographic distribution as an influence on course content in distance and campus-based TEFL programmes.’ Cambridge: System 33, 2: 341-352 [Google Scholar: 2 citations]  

2003  Grammar Rules: Teaching Grammar in the Foreign Language Classroom.  Birmingham: DELPHI. http://www.delphi.bham.ac.uk   (WWW publication for DELPHI, Developing Language Professionals in Higher Education Institutions: 12,000 words).  Name: module; password: reader. [Google Scholar: 3 citations] 

2003  Corpus-driven grammar and the ELT syllabus. The Language Teacher. Tokyo: The Japan Association for Language Teaching. Issue 27.7 p 31 ISSN 0289-7938 [Google Scholar: 6 citations]  

2002  (with Peter Garrett) “Learners’ evaluations of teacher-fronted versus student-centred classroom activities”. Language Teaching Research, Vol 6, 1: 25-57. ISSN: 1362-1688 [Google Scholar: 85 citations] 

2001  “Artificially Authentic”. English Teaching Professional. London: First Person Publishing.  ISSN: 1362-5276. Vol 19, 4 p. 21 [Google Scholar: 9 citations] 

1999  “The Grammar Question” in The Language Teacher. Tokyo: The Japan Association for Language Teaching. Vol. 23, 6: p 31 ISSN 0289-7938 [Google Scholar: 3 citations]

1998  “Conscious and unconscious knowledge in second language learners: how they learn from what they know”  In K. Dean (ed.) Proceedings from the Fifth BRAZ-TESOL National Convention. pp 363-386 ISBN 1415-7381  São Paulo: BRAZ:TESOL

1997  (with R Holland) Classroom research and research methods. Birmingham: The Center for English Language Studies, University of Birmingham. ISBN 1 901523 01 2 [Google Scholar: 44 citations] 

1996  “What learners know and what they need to learn.” In Willis, J. and D Willis (eds.) Challenge and Change in Language Teaching. pp 31-41. Oxford: Heineman ISBN 0 435 26606 3 [Google Scholar: 27 citations]  

1996  Language Teaching Methodology. (with Corony Edwards and Dave Willis) Centre for English Language Studies, Birmingham: The University of Birmingham pp 100-119 ISBN 1 901523 00 4 [Google Scholar: 16 citations]

1996  ‘An Analysis of Determiners and Articles’ in D. Willis, T. Shortall, and T. Johns Pedagogic Grammar pp. 117-139.  Birmingham: CELS, The University of Birmingham ISBN 1 901523 03 9 [Google Scholar: 2 citations]

1994  “Judgements of the Effectiveness and Enjoyability of Pairwork, Group, and Whole Class Work in Foreign Language Learning:  Preliminary Data from Brazil.” (with Peter Garrett, University of Wales, Cardiff) in DELTA, Vol. 10, 2: pp. 373-388 São Paulo:  PUC/ABRALIN. ISSN 0102-4450 [Google Scholar: 2 citations]

1992  “L2 Learner Attitudes to Classroom Activities” IN Bangor Research Papers.  University of Wales.

1991  (with J. Watson and N. Rivenburgh) Helping Out - Explaining Ward Office ProceduresIntermediate level textbook for Japanese civil servants.   Tokyo: The Japan Times. 

1990  Oral Proficiency Testing System Testing and level description system.   Tokyo: DILA.

1988  English at the Tip of Your Fingers.  Business English Textbook for Beginners. CECIL Academy, Tokyo.