David Ong
Dr. David Ong,加利福尼亚大学经济学博士;曾任北京大学汇丰商学院经济学副教授,香港中文大学访问学者,澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学访问学者,现任暨伯学院教授。
“Location Still Matters: Evidence from an Online Shopping Field Experiment,” Forthcoming
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, with (Zhong Zemin and John Morgan).
“Heterogeneous Risk/Loss Aversion in Complete Information All-Pay Auctions,”. European
Economic Review, 95, 2017, (with Zhuoqiong Chen and Ella Segev).
“Income attraction: An online dating field experiment,” Journal of Economic Behavior and
Organization, 111, 2015, (with Jue Wang).
“The Gender difference in the value of winning,” Economics Letters, 137, 2015 (with Zhuoqiong
Chen and Roman Sheremeta.
“Education and income attraction: an online dating field experiment,” Applied Economics, 2015.
“Hard to get: the scarcity of women and the competition for high-income men in Chinese
cities,” (with Yu Yang, Junsen Zhang).
“Marrying up: the tradeoff between spousal income and spousal height,” (with Pierre-Andre
Chiappori, Yu Yang, Junsen Zhang).
“Choice averse behavior and sampling risk: a field experiment with actual shoppers” (with
Mengxia Zhang).
“Collaboration Incentives: endogenous selection into single and coauthorships by surnames in
economics and management,” (with Ho Chan Fan, Benno Torgler, and Yu Yang).
“College Admissions and the Labor Market Beauty Premium,” (with Man Xie and Junsen
“Pro bono work and trust in expert fields” (with Chun-Lei Yang).
“Fishy gifts: bribing with shame and guilt”.