
发布单位:伯明翰大学联合学院 发布时间:2023-12-14


Credits: 3










Introduction to Data Analysis 数据分析导论

Credits: 3

Many jobs and professions necessitate the ability to make objective decisions based on statistical data. This module aims to introduce students to the foundational concepts of data analysis and the application of statistical packages. Students will engage in activities involving data sampling and exploration, coupled with an introduction to basic probability concepts using statistical software.

The module will also provide an overview of a diverse set of exploratory data analysis techniques, such as numeric summary statistics and fundamental data visualization. Students will be guided through the installation and use of various statistical software.

They will use these platforms for lab exercises and projects, providing them with practical, hands-on experience. The module is designed to develop fundamental programming skills, which will serve as a solid foundation for inference and modelling tasks in advanced-level courses. This ensures students are well-prepared for the complexities and challenges of data analysis they might encounter in their future professional roles.

By the end of the module, students should be able to:

 Understanding exploratory data analysis via computation, simulation, and visualization utilizing statistical software.

 Acquire a foundational knowledge of standard univariate distributions and their properties.

 Learn how to collect, analyse, and correctly interpret data.

 Enhance skills pertinent to data analysis through hands-on projects.

 Become proficient in writing concise reports that describe, analyse, and interpret datasets using statistical concepts.