Jia Shao
Dr Jia Shao, Assistant Professor.
PhD in Mathematics, University of Liverpool, 2015
BSc in Mathematics with Finance, University of Liverpool, 2011
Jia Shao is an Assistant Professor at the School of Mathematics of the University of Birmingham. Her principal research interests are in the intersection of financial and actuarial mathematics: quantitative analysis of Insurance-Linked Securities (ILS), Extreme Value Theory (EVT) and heavy-tailed distributions, with an emphasis on pricing catastrophe risk (CAT) bonds, nuclear power-linked securities and applications.
Chatoro, M, Mitra, S, Pantelous, AA & Shao, J 2023, 'Catastrophe bond pricing in the primary market: the issuer effect and pricing factors', International Review of Financial Analysis, vol. 85, 102431. https://doi.org/
Hodds, M, Shao, J & Lawson, D 2020, 'Changes in student entry competencies 2001 - 2017', International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, pp. 1859-1874. https://doi.org/
Hardiman, N, Burgin, S & Shao, J 2020, 'How Sharks and Shark–Human Interactions are Reported in Major Australian Newspapers', Sustainability, vol. 12, no. 7, 2683. https://doi.org/
Khzouz, M, Gkanas, E, Shao, J, Sher, F, Beherskyi, D, El-Kharouf, A & Qubeissi, MA 2020, 'Life Cycle Costing Analysis: Tools and Applications for Determining Hydrogen Production Cost for Fuel Cell Vehicle Technology', Energies, vol. 13, no. 15, 3783. https://doi.org/
Kallinterakis, V, Liu, F, Pantelous, A & Shao, J 2020, 'Pricing inefficiencies and feedback trading: evidence from country ETFs', International Review of Financial Analysis, vol. 70, 101498. https://doi.org/
Hardiman, N, Burgin, S & Shao, J 2019, 'News media portrayal of attributed stakeholder attitudes to shark management in Australia', Human Dimensions of Wildlife, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 548-563. https://doi.org/
Shao, J, Pantelous, A, Ayyub, B, Chan, SL & Nadarajah, S 2017, 'Nuclear Catastrophe Risk Bonds in a Markov Dependent Environment', ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, vol. 3, no. 4. https://doi.org/
Shao, J, Papaioannou, A & Pantelous, A 2017, 'Pricing and Simulating Catastrophe Risk Bonds in a Markov-dependent Environment', Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 309, pp. 68-84. https://doi.org/
Ayyub, B, Pantelous, A & Shao, J 2016, 'Towards Resilience to Nuclear Accidents: Financing Nuclear Liabilities via Catastrophe Risk Bonds', ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B: Mechanical Engineering, vol. 2, no. 4, RISK-15-1055. https://doi.org/
Shao, J, Pantelous, A & Papaioannou, A 2015, 'Catastrophe Risk Bonds with Applications to Earthquakes', European Actuarial Journal, vol. 5, pp. 113–138. https://doi.org/
Conference contribution
Ayyub, B, Pantelous, A & Shao, J 2016, Towards Resilience to Catastrophic Events: Financing Liabilities via Catastrophe Risk Bonds. in Economics of Community Disaster Resilience Workshop Proceedings.
Khzouz, M, Gkanas, E & Shao, J 2018, 'Life Cycle Costing Analysis for Determining Hydrogen Cost for Mobility Applications'.