关于2020年端午节放假的通知 Notice on 2020 Dragon Boat Festival

发布单位:伯明翰大学联合学院 发布时间:2020-06-24








1. 请广大师生节假日期间自觉遵守上级部门和学院关于疫情防控相关管理规定,注意安全防护,请同学们以及仍未返校的教职工在假期间按要求继续做好每日健康打卡工作。

2. 师生员工节假日期间出省外尤其是中高风险地区的,要严格按照学校规定的审批流程报批。

3. 如遇重大事项或重大突发性事件要严格按照相关规定及时报告并妥善处置。

4. 端午假期正值期末复习周,请同学们合理安排作息时间,好好备考,争取考出理想的成绩!





Notice on 2020 Dragon Boat Festival


To celebrate Dragon Boat Festival, holiday at J-BJI will start from 25th to 27th June. 


Please follow the related laws and regulations on the coronavirus control and prevention and take proper personal protection. Students and faculty (who haven’t returned to Guangzhou) please report your daily health condition online in time.


During the holiday, faculty and students who plan to travel outside Guangdong province, especially to areas in medium-high risks, shall apply to J-BJI according to JNU relevant procedure for approval before departure.


Please take care of your personal security and belongings wherever you go. In case of a serious matter or emergency, please report to J-BJI in accordance with relevant regulations and properly address the issue.


Wish you and your family a happy and safe holiday.


General Affairs Office